
This section covers the elements used in Replenishment for monitoring the process. This does not cover classical reporting and analysis tasks.

Monitoring includes:

  • Capacity Management
    Capacity Management lets you track currently used-up store capacity versus planned capacity goals.
  • Stock Coverage
    Stock Coverage lets you calculate the expected coverage period based on sales history and to compare this with coverage goals.


The goals of this step:

  • Get a detailed understanding of the retailer's capacity management and stock coverage monitoring approach.
  • Set up Capacity Management in LS Central.
  • Set up Stock Coverage in LS Central.

Key questions / considerations

Capacity Management

  • Is capacity monitored in the stores?
    • If yes, on which level?
      • Location
      • Item Category, Product Group
      • Sections and Shelves
    • Which items or item groups are monitored?
    • Is capacity calculation based on quantity or factor based?

Stock Coverage

  • Is coverage monitored in the stores?
    • If yes, on which level?
      • Location
      • Item Category, Product Group
      • Season
    • Which items or item groups are monitored?


Capacity Management - capacity goals:

(Click to enlarge)

(Click to open)

Capacity Management - capacity factors:

(Click to enlarge)

Stock Coverage - coverage goals:

(Click to enlarge)

(Click to open)

LS Central setup considerations

Capacity Management

Store capacity is set up in 2 places:

  • Retail Item page
    In the field Item Capacity Value the capacity factor for the item is defined. This factor is used when the actual capacity is calculated and the quantity on stock is multiplied with this factor.
  • Store Capacity page
    On this page the capacity goals for stores and item groups are defined. The calculation job uses the actual quantity on stock and the factor to calculate the actual capacity and compares this with the capacity goal.

    (Click to enlarge)

For more information about the setup see:

Capacity Management - calculation

The store capacity can be calculated either manually with an action button on the Store Capacity page or via a Scheduler Job.
For more information about the calculation see How to Calculate Store Capacity.

Stock Coverage

The coverage is set up on the Store Capacity page.
On this page the coverage goals for stores and item groups are defined. The calculation job considers the current quantity on stock and the average historical sales quantity to calculate the actual coverage in weeks. This is compared with the coverage goal as defined in the page.

(Click to enlarge)

To calculate the average historical sales quantity, the field Number of Sales Days to Analyze on the Replen. Setup page needs to be set up. This is the time period for how far back in history the calculation looks to calculate the average sales.

(Click to enlarge)

For more information about the setup see:

Stock Coverage - calculation

The stock coverage can be calculated either manually with an action button on the Stock Coverage page or via a Scheduler Job.
For more information about the calculation see How to Calculate Stock Coverage

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